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Anchor 1
Bia watches Kai ride to save Africa and his parents

 I am Kai


Kai’s parents have been kidnapped. Africa’s water is running out. Can fifteen year old inventor Kai race through the African countryside in time to execute a crazy plan not only to save his parents from a greedy criminal…but Africa and its people from drought? Time and water is running out…drip…drip…drip

Kai is a fifteen year old inventor with some rare talents. The odd thing is that he’s never drank a drop of water. He’s been fitted with an implant made by his bioengineering parents which uses a plant discovered by them in South America and produces all the water a body could need. The problem is that they can’t get the WJ Implant to work reliably. It only works on Kai and his Rhodesian Ridgeback, Bia. South Africa is running out of water and has not had a rainfall in a very long time. The WJ Implant could save humans and animals alike. When Kai discovers how to do this he brings a whole lot of trouble down on his family. A corrupt government official, Van Mullen, is after the device to exploit it for personal monetary gain. Mistakenly, he kidnaps Kai’s parents thinking that they can get the device going, instead of Kai. Kai decides that the only way to save his parents is to solve the problem with the water cycle. He sets out on his adventure but is forced to take Fawn, the granddaughter of a family friend with him. Using a solar powered motorbike Kai, Fawn and his dog Bia skirt the borders of Lesotho hoping that when they put his experiment in place they can make it rain.But at the back of his mind Kai wonders…can a fifteen year old inventor truly save not only his parents…but Africa as well?

Anchor 2
The Handwriting Specialist
Nicholas Sloane

Nicholas Sloane is a boy with extraordinary abilities.  From a young age he had an affinity with words.  Letters made more sense to him than anything else and he was able to read early on.  When he was 11 years old, an incredible thing happened - he was writing a historical piece when suddenly he became one of the characters in the story – he had time travelled.   


As he mastered his ability to write and time travel so he began to mould his experiences.  But Nicholas Sloane is at present in a very sticky situation – he is relaying all of this information in a room called ‘the dungeon’ to a Secret Service agent named George Slater.  Nicholas had been found in the King’s bedroom with a knife in his hand.  Slater is interrogating Nicholas, trying to make some sense of this incredibly wild story. 


Nicholas has to convince Slater not only that he is telling the truth about his ability to time travel, but also of the fact that he has found out about the future assassination of the King, which will be the catalyst to catastrophic world wide events. 


Slater doesn’t know whether to believe Nicholas, time is running out and his superiors are pressing for answers.  Nicholas needs to stop the assassination of the King and save the world from downfall.

Sworn to Secrecy!
Anchor 3
Ridgeback Warrior Luc
The Mountain Ridgebacks
drakensberg * magic

Coming soon...
Mirror of the Soul
The Great
Horse Lords
drakensberg * magic

coming soon...the adventure continues

Sylvia Sash is a young girl who doesn’t quite fit in.  Looking for a little magic she’s surprised when it explodes into her life in the most unlikely of places.  She didn’t think she’d find it in South Africa’s Drakensberg Mountains.  On a trip to the mountains a warrior dog approaches her and tells her that she has earthbound magic within her and asks her to come to his magical world - a parallel universe in the drakensberg. luc's world is under threat from the uprising power of the wizard Orthane.  Luc convinces Sylvia to leave the familiarity of her world.  Sylvia doubts her ability to help but an entirely different world holds the belief that she is special.  Sylvia is the only one who can help them.  the mountain ridgebacks is the story of a girl who believes in love and loyalty.  It’s a sweeping fantasy adventure with unique creatures: warrior dogs; elves; ferocious bovines; the majestic Moss Stag with its antlers afire; black unicorns of death and the evil dog-like Barquests...beware...don't make eye contact. 

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