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One woman's view of the world through writing, art, sewing, good old life experience and a bit of time travel

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Mowgli and Claire

Born in England to a Spanish mother and an English father I've spent many years both in South Africa and england.  I've done so many things from modelling, pushing trolleys and packing groceries for money, to working at a publishing house and a large advertising agency in London.  I home schooled my twin daughters until they were sixteen.

I was a semi finalist in the Miss South Africa competition, have learnt pole and latin dancing, how to ride a motorbike on and off road, abseiled once, walked in underground caves, ridden horses and scuba dived. i sew and am about to try my hand at fish farming.

Animals are my biggest passion and dog walking my favourite pastime.  I am crazy about Basset hounds, reading and gardening.  My family is my greatest treasure.

My Books
Bia watches Kai ride
Sworn to Secrecy!

The Handwriting Specialist 

for king and country

Nicholas Sloane

Luc the Ridgeback Warrior

The Mountain Ridgebacks

Drakensberg * magic

Mirror of the soul

The Great

Horse lords

Drakensberg * magic

I Am Kai 


My Books
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